Guitar Lessons by Chip McDonald - May 2024

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A Switch to the Inane

  I'm afraid that I can no longer post what was previously "conceptual" posts here.

 I've seen that I've been data mined.  I need to pivot to doing video.

 Instead I'll be posting a more droll recap of the lesson week, as I do elsewhere.  If by some chance someone comes across this - look at my past posts for more .... intellectually nutritious writing.  Sorry.

 This past week in guitar lessons:

 How shall I do this, differently than elsewhere?  I'll pick a concept t that stands out.

 There is a Blues Trope Song I've been showing students for decades, as an introduction to blues phrasing/technique.  I've presently got 2 students doing this song, that both started it at almost the same time.

 It's interesting to see what is similar in both students, and what is different.  

 Almost immediately, from the outset there is a divergence in what causes a problem.  With one, it's phrasing caused by trying to play the hardest part too fast.  With the other, it's phrasing caused by initiating the part *before* the hardest part that was hurting his phrasing.

 A simple study in chaos math.  Initial conditions in both means that, 3 weeks on, they're now both working on completely different aspects.  Both were approximately of a similar skill level, but again it's always curious how different people can be.  

 Which again points to a blurb for guitar lessons: watching a video isn't going to help.  There are too many mechanical things involved, timing and phrasing aspects, that can be missed or corrupted if left unchecked.  Each student had about 5 things going on for each lesson that addressed habits that would become a hindrance later, if they had kept doing them.  Alternately, they were things that would have prevented them from progressing into the song/concept at all.  These kind of things unsupervised, probably accounts for so many people buying a guitar, only to put it down after a few months....